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Are you ready?

Considering transitioning your property or company to coworking? As the mainstream workforce continues to transition, beginning a dialogue around ‘Coworking Readiness’ is a timely topic for everyone involved. We have developed a method to catalyze that dialogue.
Uniting Spaces offers a uniquely developed model for filling vacancies that monetizes building space without locking it up. This benefits your tenants and employees, and provides a renewable source of growth and facilities management.
Our goal is to ensure that building owners, property developers, real estate investment groups, and others find the best ways to leverage a coworking model that is right for them

How can we help?

Uniting Spaces offers workplace resources and strategies for asset owners, corporations, and small businesses who want to take the first step towards joining the coworking movement. Leverage our experience on strategy and industry best practices. We can help you get more value out of properties and enter new markets more effectively.

Coworking Strategy.

Leverage our experience on strategy and industry best practices.  We can help get more value out of properties and enter new markets more effectively.

Coworking Operations.

Need operations for your building, exisiting coworking facility or enterprise?  Deployable operations model in coworking-ready locations is one of our many specialties.

Asset Owner Dilemma

Building owners, property developers, or real estate investment groups try to find ways to leverage the coworking model through experimentation. Often, there is a need for a more pragmatic path forward. We can help.

Coworking Resources.

It takes a lot to operate a coworking space from billing to ensuring that your members experience is productive, fun and secure. We help identify, select, implement and support all resources needed to get your coworking space up and running smoothly.

Coworking Calculator

Does it make financial sense to start a coworking space? Get a Customized Realistic Revenue and Profit and Loss Estimation for your Coworking Space. Based on 9 years of coworking consulting and ownership. Our projections are based on US coworking trends and best practices. Our model is best used for property owners thinking about converting their property or entrepreneurs evaluatiing different locations and leases.



Ready to talk coworking?

Let’s start the conversation about your coworking project and explore a potential collaboration. We are a team of coworking veterans who are ready to consult with real estate developers and companies looking to embrace coworking within their respective business models.

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