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Coworking Spaces in Hotels – A Match Made in Heaven? | By Samuel Wich by Hospitality Net

Hotels are one such type of business that can benefit largely from offering coworking areas. Communal spaces in hotels do not only attract a younger audience, but also serve as a way to connect with local communities in ways that an old-fashioned business center never could.

A successfully-run coworking space can be a great way of getting more people to interact with your property, spend more time on-site and eventually generate more revenue. Independent hotels such as Zoku in Amsterdam, or Hotel Schani in Vienna are living proof that the convergence of hospitality and coworking can be a recipe for success.

Rather, their ability to connect traveling professionals, entrepreneurs and local communities in a way that caters to their need for inspiration and networking will be the crucial service business hotels of the future have to get right. The integration of coworking concepts seems to become an unstoppable force in the international hospitality industry. Generally, only 42 percent of coworking spaces are actually turning a profit according to the most recent Coworking Survey by Deskmag.