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The Importance of a Digitally Enabled Legal Workplace: Top 5 Benefits Explained!

Introduction The legal digital workplace is a concept which stresses on digital transformation, where legal business processes and employees are aligned with the use of technology to meet a law firm’s goals and enhance the operational efficiency.

In the past, law firms were finding it hard to manage their legal data, leading to delayed results and client dissatisfaction.

With a digital workplace, corporate legal departments and law firms are able to utilize their legal data in a more organized way that enables them to gain access to relevant data and meet client demands in real-time from anywhere and at anytime.

Top Digital Transformation Statistics As per the PwC Law Firms Survey, 80% of law firms accept the fact that digital transformation is a critical factor when it comes to their business growth.

As per The Legal Tech 2018 Buyer’s Guide, law firms invested almost $49 million in 2018 on the use of artificial intelligence.

Team Members’ Specialties are Opened When your legal workplace goes digital, your staff is able to take advice from practitioners who are more experienced and skilled with the help of a directory which has a list comprising of the specialties of every team member.

The rule is simple; your law firm will grow only when your clients are satisfied and spread the goodness about your legal support services.