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How Coworking Changed The Way People Work And Why It’s Still Going Strong – Inc42 Media

Currently, there are over 15,000 known coworking spaces across the world.

Many credit the invention of coworking as we know it today to Silicon Valley techies who worked out of garages and basements (Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak being prime examples) so they could split every expense.

The first coworking space that advertised itself emerged in San Francisco in 2005 and, since then, their numbers have skyrocketed.

The ability to step into an environment where people are collectively working towards growing their businesses, and the ability to get work done from day zero, while getting all the support you need, meeting the right kind of people, and reaping the benefits of being a part of a larger community is where coworking has really gotten people’s undivided attention.

It has been welcomed with open arms by businesses of all sizes — from new corporates like Paytm and Zomato to giants such as Microsoft and Twitter.

The coworking industry provides a wide range of choices one can pick from: Coworking has most certainly evolved in more ways than one over the years.

Silicon Valley is considered the epitome of the startup world.

Originally Published on December 28, 2018 at 02:55AM

Article published originally via “coworking” – Google News